These are the rules that you need to adhere to when you are a member.
Here they are:
1) We are looking only for honest, fair and well respected players (respect others as well)
2) NO cheating of ANY sort is allowed, that includes hacking, boarder hugging, persistant afk'ing in GB2's to leech exp, Intentional TK'ing and many others.
3) If you have a problem WITH ANYONE, report it to an Officer or Squad leader. Public arguments with indivduals or fleets will not be permitted. Screenshot anything offensive then either just keep quiet or leave the room.
4) We are looking for dedicated and committed members. You should expect more bad times than good times. Helping Fleetmates through the bad times is what brings us together and makes us a "Fleet"
5) Leaving the Fleet should not be taken lightly. We do not have a revolving door policy for our members. We would strongly reccommend that you discuss any problems you have with the leadership before taking any action, as you will likely not be allowed back should you change your mind.
6) Remember that while you wear the Phoenix tag you are a representative of the Fleet. We expect you to lead by example on Missouri. This is to be an example of Honesty, Honour, Fair play, Friendliness and modesty.
7) If your behavior is unacceptable you will be expelled from the fleet. We will not have our reputation spoiled by a few bad apples. If things reach this stage, there will be no arguements, no second thoughts, no third / fourth / fith chances, its over.